Fees and Insurance

Fees and Insurance

Fees and Insurance

Dental insurance differs greatly from medical insurance.  While most patients are used to nearly unlimited lifetime coverage after meeting their co-pay or deductable with medical insurance, most dental plans have a very low annual maximum benefit.

Most dental insurance plans have not increased their benefits maximums since their inception in the early 1970’s.  But inflation has cause an increase in related fees, such as lab fees, dental supplies, and labor costs-even the cost of your annual insurance premium.  Yet the benefits remain the same.

Can I Continue To Use

My Dental Insurance?

While we do not participate with any insurance plans, our team will do everything possible to maximize your benefits.  We submit all necessary paperwork to your insurance carrier.  In some cases, your plan will assign the benefits to us and you are responsible for the balance.  In others, you’ll need to pay us in full and your insurance company will send the reimbursement to you directly.  As a rule of thumb, insurance companies typically pay the contract holder (the patient) within two to three weeks.
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Why Won’t My Insurance Pay For The Treatment Plan?

Our practice has invested in a significant amount of continuing education and technologies ensuring you receive the best care modern dentistry has to offer.  We believe you deserve the best health care available.That often means we may recommend a more expensive procedure (not covered by insurance) that actually will conserve natural tooth structure and last longer than the cheaper alternative.

Insurance companies are in business to make their money by collecting a maximum amount in premiums while paying a minimal amount in claims.  That’s why most dental insurance companies authorize only the cheapest possible alternative, regardless of the impact on your dental health.  How can an insurance company that has never examined your mouth know what’s best for you?  Without the influence of insurance companies, our team can treat you like a family member and offer the best treatment for you.

How Can I Make

My Treatment More Affordable?

Because dental insurance most likely doesn’t meet your dental needs and usually does not cover cosmetic procedures, we offer financing options that can help you achieve your treatment goals.  By making arrangements in advance, you can spread out your payments, making your treatment affordable.
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